Monday, March 26, 2012

Curmudgeon Central

Me: I have issues with this song.

Him: Me too.

Me: You go first.

Him: Was it really too much trouble to write a second verse? It's 30 seconds of an interesting story followed by 3 minutes of la la la bullshit.

Me: I hadn't even thought of that. My problems are that a) I am NOT young, therefore this song reminds me of my old age and impending death and b) even when I was young, I'm pretty damn sure my standards for dudes were higher than "willing to carry my drunk-ass home from the bar."

Him: That may very well be why you were single until you were 25.

Me: Point.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. It's catchy. It's really, really catchy... but yeah.

    Yeah on both points, particularly the "reminds me of my old age" bit... which is why I currently have Hall & Oates Greatest Hits in the CD player in my car. With very few exceptions, music in my house stops at 1986.
