My weekend was unusually busy, as I was entertaining my dear friend Leigh. She flew in Friday night and we watched Say Yes to The Dress and The Soup and polished off a bottle of red wine. Okay, that part is actually my typical Friday. It was the rest of the weekend that was more exciting than usual.
While Leigh went to meet up with another local friend on Saturday morning, I decided to dye my hair. I've been coloring my hair since I was fifteen, and I have never seen a process as complicated as the one I went through to get my hair Ruby Rush. Instead of two liquids to mix, there were four, including a tube that contained, as far as I can tell, all the red in the world. Then, after applying goop the color of arterial blood to my hair, I was instructed to wash it out, shampoo twice with the special included shampoo, and then condition. I was also advised to use a dark towel and pillowcases I didn't care about for a couple of days after coloring. I feel like this product might be more useful for getting revenge against people you don't like than coloring your hair.
Anyway, I ended up with dark, purpley-red hair. It doesn't look remotely natural, but I like it.
In the evening, Leigh and I ate stuffed shells with red sauce, drank two bottles of red wine, and watched RED, thus cementing the weekend's theme. The movie didn't require much thought (which was awesome after two bottles of wine) and provided enough of a Karl Urban fix that Leigh and I didn't have to have our usual get-together viewing of Star Trek XI: Only Bones' Scenes.
Sunday morning, we joined our friend Athena for brunch at Gaslight, where I remained committed to our theme and ordered poached eggs in red wine sauce with ham & mushrooms. I also showed my non-foodie underbelly by announcing that my sweet & citrusy martini tasted like fancy gin & juice.
Our plan was to do some vintage shopping, but it was a bust, so we returned home, where Leigh prepared an excellent dinner that probably should have been eaten by someone who appreciates excellently-prepared food more than I do: Herb-roasted chicken, garlic-roasted butternut squash, & mixed greens in vinaigrette w/homemade duck prosciutto. (Athena made the duck prosciutto as part of her goal of becoming a world-class charcuteress. She handed two cured duck breasts to Leigh and I when we met up. "Good luck explaining that to the TSA," I told Leigh.) And, of course, a bottle of red wine.
It was all absolutely delicious, and now I really, truly have no reason to be afraid to roast a chicken.
Baby Razor missed out on Leigh's cooking, but don't feel bad for her: she's a bit underweight so she's on what we're calling the Everything Awesome Diet, where we add peanut butter, cheese or butter to every meal. Her dinner last night was scrambled eggs, half an avocado, and a huge hunk of gruyere. Yes, the entire world is jealous of her.
Leigh left this morning and I miss her already. Although if she was around all the time, I'd probably weigh 600 pounds, so perhaps it's for the best.
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