Tom & Lorenzo give a fashion perspective.
E!'s fashion police say 'ick.'
Comic Book Movie fixes the color story, including the awful lipstick, bless.
Movieline wonders if you can guess the difference between the professional costume and one from the party store.
Best Week Ever offers other options. (#3 is Project Runway vet Chris March!)
Comics Alliance actually likes it, but Pajiba is the same combo of sad/horrified that I am.
Vulture wonders what the costume designers were thinking.
ETA: Wonderella offers another possible explanation.
Fox News is annoyed that it's not patriotic enough. Yes, that's clearly the main issue.
Finally, io9's headline nicely captures the internet's general consensus: First Wonder Woman Costume Photo Will Make Your Eyes Bleed.
All right, I think that may be everything there is to say about the costume itself, so I will lament the horrible photoshopping. This is what Adrianne Palicki usually looks like:

See how she has a beauty mark between her eyebrows? And a chin? And normal, human-sized lips? Where did all those things go in the promo pic? And if they were going to photoshop the bejesus out of her face, why couldn't they put a little shine onto that nasty cheap wig? Sigh. That is a lot of questions for a Saturday morning.
This has to be an early test or something. Right? They're going to fix it... /blind hope