Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weird, Wacky, Wonderful

In my Sample Sale travels, I often come across things that are worth sharing but are either not on sale or not quite right for the feature. So I've chosen Wednesdays to highlight products that made me laugh, gasp, cringe, or all three at once.

Today we have The Weirdest Effing Thing Anthropologie Sells. If you've ever perused Anthro's home goods section, you know that this is a high bar. After all, we are talking about the store that features a decorative felted fox hat, a woodland animal gang-bang, a log-cabin version of the Iron Throne, and something called a wonky pot. And the prices for all of them prove the adage that money can't buy taste.

But as far as I'm concerned, no other piece of ugly at Anthro (and there is so much ugly, much of it cataloged at  the fabulous Shit Anthro Sells) matches up to the bafflingly-named Hitherto Grasshopper Globe:

That, my friends, is a steampunk insect. For real, it has watch parts glued right on it. This lovely bit of taxidermy and craftiness can be yours ON SALE  for--wait, that can't be right. Did they misplace the period? No? Oh--the, er, low price of


Hey, that's a bargain. It was originally $1298.

(NB: If you love steampunk insects, but don't have nine Gs lying around, artist Mike Libby has a variety of bugs available on his website The Insect Lab starting at $300 for a fly.)

1 comment:

  1. J*sus H Chr*st. Perhaps the only topper for the weird stuff on anthro is the comment of the person who buys it (or wants to). I quote directly from the animal gang-bang candelabra: "I would have it front and center as a room focal point if I could rationalize the expenditure at this time." Yes, a room focal point. Because nothing says, "Welcome to my home" like that ... thing ... prominently displayed in the parlor. I'm also trying to imagine a world in which I had $899 spare dollars and had already bought so many shoes that I figured, "What the heck -- it's time for the steampunk insect."
